ITF Swap To ITFX Tutorial

1.Click to open INS3 website: Click on the chain you want to use for swapping (HECO for example):

2. Click on Swap:

3. Click on MAX to choose all your ITF asset and click on Swap:

4. After your wallet confirmed, the process of changing from ITF to ITFX is complete.

Please note:The swapping process require GAS, please make sure to have enough GAS in your wallet.


ITF Swapping address:

Solutions to different scenarios

  • ITF in your wallet: Simply click on the website to swap tokens.

  • ITF in Liquidity Pool: If you used ITF in Liquidity Pool, please remove liquidity from DEX first, and then swap to ITFX. At last, provide ITFX liquidity to DEX to gain ITFX rewards.

  • ITF in staking: You need to wait until your staking is due. Then you can withdraw your ITF to swap to ITFX.

  • ITF farming: Gain the staking rewards first, then use ITF to swap to ITFX.

Last updated